Self Defense Training

Startup Costs: Under $2,000
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? No

Self-defense training is big business'kids, students, single mothers, housewives, executives traveling overseas, government employees, celebrities, sports figures, politicians, school teachers, security guards, and just about anyone who wants and needs to feel safe and secure are potential customers. This opportunity will really appeal to people with a martial arts, military, or law enforcement background'the more qualified and the better your credentials, the more your training services will be in demand. Training can be conducted in a group format or on a one-on-one basis at your school location or the clients locations, including their homes, businesses, or offices. Never before has self-defense training been as popular as it is right now. Literally hundreds of thousands of people sign up for new classes every month and are prepared to shell out big bucks to learn the skills they need to keep themselves and family members safe. Rates vary from a few dollars per hour, per student, when training a group, to as much as $200 per hour when training one-on-one.

The Market

Anyone who wants and needs to feel safe and wants to learn how to protect themselves.

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